
Plans for all HOA Sizes

Get started easy without any credit information. HOA Center is free to use for 30 days because we believe the service speaks for itself.
for 30 days
  • 100 Member Max
  • 100mb Document Max
  • 25 Rule Max
  • Support Within 2 days
  • Add, View, and Modify Members
  • Add, View, and Modify Events
  • Add, View, and Modify Rules
  • Add, View, and Modify Documents
  • Invite Members via Email
  • Customize Email Preferences
  • Granular Member Permissions
  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • Mobile Access
  • Customizable Dasboard
  • Public HOA Option
  • Granular Document Permissions
per month
  • 100 Member Max
  • 100mb Document Max
  • 25 Rule Max
  • Support Within 2 days
  • Add, View, and Modify Members
  • Add, View, and Modify Events
  • Add, View, and Modify Rules
  • Add, View, and Modify Documents
  • Invite Members via Email
  • Customize Email Preferences
  • Granular Member Permissions
  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • Mobile Access
  • Customizable Dasboard
  • Public HOA Option
  • Granular Document Permissions
per month
  • Unlimited Members
  • Unlimited Documents
  • Unlimited Rules
  • Support Within 24 Hours
  • Add, View, and Modify Members
  • Add, View, and Modify Events
  • Add, View, and Modify Rules
  • Add, View, and Modify Documents
  • Invite Members via Email
  • Customize Email Preferences
  • Granular Member Permissions
  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • Mobile Access
  • Customizable Dasboard
  • Public HOA Option
  • Granular Document Permissions